So, the other day I found, in a free pile, an old Golden Book, you know, the little kids books with the golden spines. The book was decimated, and the cover was half hanging off. But I couldn't let this sweet piece of cover art end up in the trash.So I dragged it home. ( I am so scared I am going to end up on Hoarders: Buried Alive)
Anyhoo it sat around for a few days til I was messing around with stuff on my son's walls and it occurred to me that it would look great in a frame. And it does.
You can frame the entire book, just pop the whole thing behind glass. Then you wouldn't be destroying literature, which seems inherently wrong to me.
Golden Books are kicking around in nearly every thrift store I've ever been in. And they're bound to be less than a really nominal amount of change. Some of the older covers have wicked cool art on them. But as they are from a different era there can be some challenging stuff that is totally whcked out politically incorrect. Framing the covers is a great way to bring vintage kids art into your kids bedroom without incorporating those pesky outdated gender and race stereotypes into their fragile little psyches.
Here's one of my favorite covers, see how awesome they are?
Golden Books are a really neat kind of phenomenon, they are somewhat universally familiar, and can evoke kid feelings in lots of us. They are attached to buried memories and feelings. And if you want to see something truly amazing here's a link to an artist Ryan Novelline who created a fairytale dress entirely out of discarded Golden Books. Magnifique!
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